            Birth Your Life® Counseling and Wellness Center
                is dedicated to helping you
                    release what you no longer need and
                        create the life you long to have.

Before entering my site, please read this disclaimer.

Uncelebrated joys and ungrieved losses can keep you from having the life you seek.

Birth Your Life provides:
  • Intention on healing
  • Attention to your needs
  • A safe, caring and nurturing environment
  • An opportunity to experience numerous healing modalities
  • An opportunity to (re)claim your life
It is hoped that you can find and live all your dreams.

We offer Individual Work as well as Classes and Groups. Please see what calls to you.

Birth Your Life treatment focus

At Birth Your Life, you can experience a variety of energy healing modalities, hands-on work and holistic psychotherapy. You can use any combination of modalities to assist in identifying and releasing trauma and negative beliefs and claiming your joy, inspiration and power. Our intention is healing for your body, mind, spirit and community.

Embark on one of our Paths for Individuals

   Restorative - Reclaim your vitality and begin to enjoy your life
   Transformative - Discover and manifest your life's purpose.

We create individualized treatment plans to help you claim the life you desire. Among the tools we use are:
  • Biomagenetic Therapy
  • Energy Psychology
  • Energy Medicine
  • Emotional Release Bodywork, including Rosen Method
  • Transformational Coaching
  • Holistic Psychotherapy.

Please browse this site and contact me if you have any questions.

If you are interested in professional certification, consultation or mentoring in Energy Psychology, please visit the Integrative Relational Energetics site.

About Paula

Paula McGuire's work is informed by her passion, education, experience and intuition about what is next.

She has been in the healing arts for over 30 years. She is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT 40547) in California and (LMFT 7892) in South Carolina, a Diplomate in Comprehensive Energy Psychology (DCEP), a TAT® Trainer, a ThetaHealing® Instructor, a Birth Your Life® Energetic Healing Instructor, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP), a practitioner of Rosen Method Bodywork and BioMagnetism, a Certified Transformational Coach, a yoga teacher and a minister.

She has masters' degrees in engineering, culture and creation spirituality with an emphasis on spiritual psychology, counseling psychology. She feels her education in civil engineering prepared her to think in a logical fashion and she dreamed of building bridges. Now, as a psychotherapist, bodyworker and energy psychology practitioner and teacher, she is able to use that same logical approach with dreams of building bridges-applied to disconnect parts of individuals, families and community.

She also has a long time meditation practice which feeds her personal life as well as her work.

Professionally, she is a member of ACEP, AAMFT, NASW.

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